Education is not just about textbooks; it’s also about creating an inspiring environment for learning.

We collaborate with schools to bring walls to life.





Case Study

“Scott’s artwork is not only beautiful but inspiring and memorable to all that see it.”

-Principal Jorge Olmos 
Wilmington Middle School 

The Hyste partnered with Marathon to do a total school takeover in Wilmington, creating a colorful and inspiring series of artwork across the schools in this part of the Los Angeles Unified School District.

“The role models on these walls epitomize the core values that we want our students to have. The impact of Scott’s artwork and Marathon’s contribution in Wilmington is not confined to physical changes; it’s about nurturing, a positive environment that encourages growth, self-belief, and ambition. The presence of these murals send a powerful message to students, reminding them that their dreams are achievable and that they are part of a community that believes in their potential.”